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$646 billion, the global semiconductor market may grow by 16.3% in 2022

06/14/2022 Semiconductor market, WSTS, logic chips, analog chips, chips,


(Pictures from the Internet)

  Recently, the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics Society (WSTS), formed by major semiconductor manufacturers, released its semiconductor market forecast on its official website. Forecasts show that the global semiconductor market is expected to grow by 16.3% in 2022 and is expected to grow by 5% in 2023 compared to 2022.

  Forecast data shows that after a strong growth of 26.2% in 2021, WSTS expects the global semiconductor market to achieve double-digit growth again in 2022, reaching $646 billion. Chip demand will maintain strong growth for one year in a row. It is expected that in 2022, the main categories of chips will show double-digit year-on-year growth, of which logic chips will increase by 20.8%, analog chips will increase by 19.2%, and the growth rate of optoelectronic chips will remain flat year-on-year.

  In 2022, the semiconductor market is expected to grow in all regions. Asia Pacific is expected to grow 13.9%, the Americas is expected to grow 22.6%, and Europe is expected to grow 20.8%.

  The forecast also shows that the global semiconductor market will achieve further growth in 2023. The global semiconductor market is expected to grow another 5.1% to $680 billion by 2023, driven by single-digit growth in logic and analog chips. Data shows that the market size of logic chips is expected to reach US$200 billion in 2023, accounting for about 30% of the total market.

  In addition, all other product categories chips and all regions are expected to show positive growth trends in 2023.

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